Tax Assessor-Collector Office of Bandera County

Andrea Jankoski
403 12th Street
Bandera, Texas 78003
May 24, 2024

Response to letters sent regarding the split payment program for property taxes.

It has been brought to my attention that a recent delinquency statement was erroneously sent to property owners in Bandera County regarding the schedule of interest and penalties relating to the split payment program. This statement accompanied a courtesy reminder of the second payment due for those property owners utilizing the split payment option. The penalty and interest were calculated prematurely and inconsistent with our policy. Immediately upon notification, our office began an internal investigation to determine the source of this error. Please be advised that our split payment policy has not changed.

Tax Code 31.03 allows a governing body of a taxing unit that collects its own taxes to allow a person to pay one-half of the taxes by Nov. 30 and pay the remaining one-half of the taxes due by June 30 without incurring penalty and interest. The Bandera County Tax office has chosen to extend this program to our taxpayers even though it is not required by law. Tax due amounts subject to the split payment option are reflected accurately in our system. Penalties or late fees will not be assessed until July 1, 2024.

To prevent this situation from occurring in the future, a policy will be implemented requiring a draft of all correspondence prepared outside of our office to be reviewed and approved prior to distribution. Thank you, Mr. Darling, for your effort in bringing this to our attention.

My staff and myself are here to serve and address any concerns you may have regarding this matter. Please reach out to us if the need arises.

Andrea Jankoski
Bandera County
Tax Assessor-Collector
Law Office of Henry Steen
Bandera County Appraisal District



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